Tachibana Yama – 立花山
Located about an hour away from Hakata station is the Mt. Tachibana hiking trail. Easily accessible by public transport, Mt. Tachibana offers a pleasant break from the dense urban landscape of the city. Despite it being marked as a beginner trail the path can be challenging to navigate at times. With steep inclines and uneven natural stone steps, the hike quickly becomes an uphill affair. In Japanese Tachibana is made up of three kanji characters: 立, 花, and 山. Translated into English it is the mountain of standing flowers.

Getting there
From Hakata Station, the central hub of Fukuoka, via the JR Kagoshima line one goes north to Kashii station and then transfers to a bus which takes you near the trailhead. Near but not exact. Before you start the hike you must walk up through an old, small neighborhood. The roads meander and it is easy to take a wrong turn if you’re not paying attention. Tucked away behind the mountains this area feels far more removed from the city than is actually the case.

The climb
After a short and steep prelude the paved road gives way to the dirt path of the trail. Here the true ascent begins, shaded by a canopy of trees, the sounds of birds and occasional running water fill the air. The trail rises and falls and then levels out before repeating. At a quick pace the hike takes roughly forty-five minutes. With one final ascent you reach the summit and the whole of Fukuoka opens up before you. At the top, several families are enjoying the view over freshly made instant ramen noodles; the hot water is heated by portable camping stoves. In the distance you can see ships docking in port or heading off to sea, while passenger planes fly south and make their decent towards the airport.